Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Year of Hopefulness - Pick Your Head Up

I read Fast Company cover to cover every month. By chance, it usually arrives in my mailbox after I've had a particularly rough day. Just seeing the cover restores me. Like a giddy child, I run to my apartment, throw down my bag, and dig in to the info bursting from those pages. It helps me celebrate my inner social geek. 

This month, Robert Safian wrote his Letter from the Editor to introduce the main topics addressed this month: how Barack Obama and Shaun White are tapping and energizing the elusive youth market, influential women in tech (a million thanks for this inspiring story!), and celebrating Darwin and his On the Origin of Species

The most powerful part of Robert's letter is captured in the last paragraph. With strong emotional appeal, he elegantly and sincerely describes what he and his team strive for every day and why they do it. "Our goal at Fast Company is to get you to pick your head up, at least periodically, and consider what happens when the sun comes out again." With much thanks and appreciation, I am grateful to Fast Company for doing just that: they give me hope about my career, even if times are tough now, they give me faith with their inspiring stories of entrepreneurs, and they spark my creative thinking. If you aren't a subscriber, you should be no matter what your field or interest. It's the best $10 you'll spend this year.   

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