Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Year of Hopefulness - Imagination as reality

"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." ~ John Lennon

I read this quote from John Lennon on my friend, Col's, blog. She's in the midst of some tough circumstances in her life, and her beautiful, honest writing about it is courageous to say the least. I highly recommend it for a daily dose of inspiration.

Reality sometimes gets a bad rap. "You've got to be realistic." "Come back down to reality." "Wait until reality sets in." Awful. Any time someone tells me I have to do something, that I need to go back down somewhere, or something is going to invade and set in, I shutter. Why can't our lives be like we imagine them to be? Who decided my reality for me, without my consultation?

Without imagination, we get a reality we don't want. We could take Lennon's sentiment one step further and say our reality is actually defined by our imagination. What kind of job do we really want to go to everyday? What kind of relationships and friendships do we want? Where do we want to live, what do we want to do, and who do we want to be? It's all possible.

I've been having so many conversations with friends recently about the shape they'd like their lives to take. The one common question that is the root for them all is "do you really think I can do this? Can I really make this happen?" And my response is always the same. A) of course you can and B) no one else is going to make your life happen the way you want it to happen. It's a personal commitment to go out there and get everything in life you want. Our imagination is the only limitation.


COL said...

hey christa, thanks for the shout out and yet another great missive from your year of hopefulness. lately i am believing more and more that we can really do the things we imagine. why not? the only reason other realities win out is because someone else imagined them and made them real. why not us?

hope the new pad is treating you well. happy nesting friend!

Christa said...

My pleasure, Col! Always happy to pass on your blog because I find so much inspiration in it! And I agree - why not us?