Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Right Job, Right Now

Since I am in the job search process, I picked up a copy of The Right Job, Right Now by my friend, Susan Strayer. I have trudged through enough career advice, personality tests, and skills test booklet to make anyone sick to death of the topic. Still, I had hope for this book. Susan is a wonderful friend and advisor and I wanted to support her latest endeavor.

I have to admit that all biases aside, I found this book not only useful but fun to read. Sounds crazy right? It’s not. I couldn’t put it down and it helped to get me motivated. Susan’s humor and warmth comes through in her writing and the advice she offers has already been helpful and I know will continue to help me throughout my career. Just by reading the book, you feel that she is rooting for you to get the right job for you right at this moment. She answered the dozens of questions that I have always had about the job search though was too afraid to ask.

So if you’re in the market for a new job, currently searching, trying to decide whether or not to leave your current job, considering a job or career change, or just completely confused about this area of your life, Susan can get you going down the road to clarity! Now if only she could write a book about relationships and dating….

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